Getting Started

Your first Visit 

So you are thinking of trying out Pilates and are leery of getting lost in a big class session. Smart thinking! Neither you nor your body know the exercises when starting a new fitness regime.  Our instructors give each client the personal attention that is the most proven way to avoid hurting yourself. In our private sessions, we tailor the routines to your specific needs. If you enjoy having a workout buddy or have a spouse that needs to get out of the house, we offer duet sessions for those who prefer to share their workout. Couples thinking of signing up together should be at a similar fitness level.

Studio Policies

  • Sessions are by appointment only

  • If you need to cancel, please do so 24-hours prior to your scheduled appointment. Otherwise you will be charged

  • Please wear socks and comfy clothes with no zippers or jewelry. Metal damages the equipment

  • Avoid heavy foods before your workout, since you will be focusing on your core. No one enjoys doing Pilates while being pregnant with a food baby